
by Anita Greg


1 angel 9073b-steller_vaca
2 she
3 the walrus
4 the kingfisher
5 the wren
6 the magpies
7 the pied wagtail
8 the seagulls
9 pigeons




If you see anything suspicious
See it say it sort it
If you see anything that doesn’t look right
Please tell an angel – we will have it seen to

You don’t have to worry
It will be taken care of
We will take it in our arms
Enfold it in our feathered wings
And if we can see a way to make it better – then we will

Scarborough 12/12/2018  



Smoother than a crocodile
In speckled hide she slides along the Lagan

There she goes !
Leisurely, her eyelids lowered and her

webbed feet moving out of sight
The nostrils in her doglike face

are wide and dripping – past the poplars and the waiting herons
and past the hogweed – up the river passing

Amphibious and chrysaline , serene
and rolling on her side she blows – and snorts and is a queen

Anita Greg 2018


The Walrus

 The Iron Age. Hesiod believed he and his contemporaries were in the Iron Age, an age of desolation, destruction and pain. Humans would fight against each other and would only care of themselves. Because of lack of shame and indignation, humankind would destroy itself, and the gods would abandon them.

In the Rotunda is a walrus skull
a fossil found in Yorkshire gravel
Its brain filled up a cavity –
size of a dog – the solid bone
for slamming others of its kind – as yard long tusks
go ripping down through wrinkled hides .

This is the Iron Age for sure .
It’s rule

Scarborough  09/12/2018






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